templates/layouts/layout.html.twig line 1

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  106.             <meta property="og:title" content="Home - OSGO - The podiatry membership organisation"/>
  107.             <meta property="og:url" content="https://www.osgo.co.uk/"/>
  108.             <meta property="og:site_name" content="OSGO  - The podiatry membership organisation"/>
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  110.             <meta name="twitter:title" content="Home - OSGO - The podiatry membership organisation"/>
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  128.                         {% if (is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_REMEMBERED')) %}
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  138.                                 </button>
  139.                                 {% include "includes/megamenu-whatwedo.html.twig" %}
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  141.                             <li class="desktop-nav-link">
  142.                                 <button>Our Story
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  144.                                 </button>
  145.                                 {% include "includes/megamenu-our-history.html.twig" %}
  146.                             </li>
  147.                             <li class="desktop-nav-link">
  148.                                 <button>Academy
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  150.                                 </button>
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  158.                             <img class='with-text  d-md-none' src="{{ asset('/static/images/osgo-logo.svg') }}" alt="Osgo - taking the pain out of private practice">
  159.                             <img class='with-text d-none d-md-block' src="{{ asset('/static/images/osgo-logo.svg') }}" alt="Osgo - taking the pain out of private practice">
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  161.                         <ul class='navbar-nav d-none d-lg-flex oscare-color-green-04'>
  162.                             <li class="desktop-nav-link">
  163.                                 <button>What we do
  164.                                     <i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i>
  165.                                 </button>
  166.                                 {% include "includes/megamenu-whatwedo.html.twig" %}
  167.                             </li>
  168.                             <li class="desktop-nav-link">
  169.                                 <button>Our Story
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  171.                                 </button>
  172.                                 {% include "includes/megamenu-our-history.html.twig" %}
  173.                             </li>
  174.                             <li class="desktop-nav-link">
  175.                                 <button>Academy
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  177.                                 </button>
  178.                                 {% include "includes/megamenu-academy.html.twig" %}
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  215.                                         </span>Store</a>
  216.                                 </li>
  217.                                 {% set compliance = false %}
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  219.                                     {% for superuser in app.user.parentUser %}
  220.                                         {% if superuser.subscription.subscriptionType == 'compliance' %}
  221.                                             {% set compliance = true %}
  222.                                         {% endif %}
  223.                                     {% endfor %}
  224.                                 {% endif %}
  225.                                 {% if app.user.subscription.subscriptionType == 'compliance' %}
  226.                                     {% set compliance = true %}
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  232.                                                 <i class="fas fa-folder-open fa-fw hex-main-nav_workplace"></i>
  233.                                             </span>Team HQ</a>
  234.                                     </li>
  235.                                     <li class="nav-item" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse.show">
  236.                                         <a class="nav-link fs-20" href="/workplace/practice-tools" data-path='/workplace/practice-tools'>
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  238.                                                 <i class="fas fa-wrench fa-fw hex-main-nav_workplace"></i>
  239.                                             </span>Practice Tools</a>
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  245.                                                 <i class="fas fa-folder-open fa-fw hex-main-nav_workplace"></i>
  246.                                             </span>
  247.                                             <span>Team HQ</span>
  248.                                         </a>
  249.                                     </li>
  250.                                     <li class="nav-item" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".navbar-collapse.show">
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  253.                                                 <i class="fas fa-wrench fa-fw hex-main-nav_workplace"></i>
  254.                                             </span>
  255.                                             <span>Practice Tools</span>
  256.                                         </a>
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  262.                                             <i class="fas fa-graduation-cap fa-fw hex-main-nav_workplace"></i>
  263.                                         </span>Templates</a>
  264.                                 </li>
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  279.                     {% else %}
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  291.                                 {% include "includes/megamenu-mobile.html.twig" %}
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  294.                         {# <div class='d-none d-md-flex'>
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  304.             {% if (app.request.pathinfo) starts with '/workplace' %}
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  306.             {% else %}
  307.                 {% for label, messages in app.flashes %}
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  311.                             {{ message }}
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  315.                 {% if isPortal %}
  316.                     {{ block('content') }}
  317.                 {% else %}
  318.                     {{ block('content') }}
  319.                 {% endif %}
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  322.         {# include a document-snippet - in this case the footer document #}
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  330.         {% endblock %}
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